Selected Publications
SCI Journals :
1. Linsie, Aruldas Alice, Sachin Kumar, and Shyamal Mondal. "Performance analysis of slotted rectangular photonic crystal fiber structures in terahertz waveguidance." Optical Engineering 96104 (2022):1.
2. Rathinasamy, Vaisshale, Rama Rao Thipparaju, E. Boby, and Shyamal Mondal*. "Numerical investigation and circuit analysis of interdigitated photoconductive antenna for terahertz applications." Optical and Quantum Electronics 54, no. 4 (2022): 1-18.
3. E. Nisha Flora Boby, Jitendra Prajapati, Vaisshale Rathinasamy, Shouvik Mukherjee, and Shyamal Mondal*, “Parametric Investigation of Interdigitated Photoconductive Antenna for Efficient Terahertz Applications”, Journal of Arabian Science and Engineering - Springer, (2022).
4. E. Nisha Flora Boby, Jitendra Prajapati, Vaisshale Rathinasamy, T. Rama Rao, and Shyamal Mondal*, “6G and beyond: Investigation of broadband Terahertz Interdigitated Photoconductive antenna by exploiting Laser parameters”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters – Wiley, (2021).
5. S. Jena, D. K. Mishra, Shyamal Mondal, Sujay Chakravarty, Shamima Hussain and P. Mallick, "Effect of size, phase fraction and interface coupling on the magnetic behavior of Al modified α-Fe2O3/NiFe2O4 core-shell structure", Journal of Applied Physics A - Springer, (2021).
6. Shyamal Mondal*, Rounak Ganguly, and, Krishnakanta Mondal, “Topological Insulators: An in-depth Review of their Use in Modelocked Fiber Lasers”, Annalen der Physik, (2021), 2000564.Vaisshale Rathinasamy, Rama Rao Thipparaju, Nisha Flora Boby Edwin and Shyamal Mondal*, “Interdigitated photoconductive terahertz antenna for future wireless communications”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters – Wiley – 2021.
7. Mitra, Nilanjan, Alak K. Patra, Satya P. Singh, Shyamal Mondal, Prasanta K. Datta, and Shailendra K. Varshney. "Interfacial delamination in glass-fiber/polymer-foam-core sandwich composites using single mode–multimode–single mode optical fiber sensors: Identification based on experimental investigation." Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials 22, no. 1 (2020), 40-54.
8. Mitra, Nilanjan, AlakKumar Patra, Shyamal Mondal, and Prasanta Kumar Datta. "Interfacial delamination crack profile estimation in polymer foam-cored sandwich composites." Engineering Structures 189 (2019), 635-643.
9. S. Mondal, S. Mukherjee, S. P. Singh, S. C. Rand, S. Bhattacharya, Amit C. Das, and P. K. Datta, “Dynamic gain aperture mode-locking in picosecond regime based on cascaded second-order nonlinearity,” Optics Express 24(14) (2016), 15274–88.
10. S. Bhattacharya, R. Maiti, A. Das, S. Saha, S. Mondal, S. Ray, S. Bhaktha B.N., and P. Datta, “Efficient control of ultrafast optical nonlinearity of reduced graphene oxide by infrared reduction,” J. Appl. Phys. 120, (2016), 013101.
11. S. Mondal, S. P. Singh, S. Mukherjee, S. Mukhopadhyay, and P. K. Datta, “Widely tunable intracavity phase-matched cascaded second-order interaction for generation of multi-color radiation,” IEEE J. Quant. Electron. 51, (2015), 1–5.
12. A. Choubey, S. Mondal, R. Singh, B. Upadhyaya, P. Datta, and S. Oak, “Generation of 415 W of p-polarized output power in long pulse operation of Nd:YAG laser using z−fold resonator geometry,” Opt. Laser Technol. 60, (2014), 41–48.
13. A. Choubey, S. Mondal, R. Singh, B. Upadhyaya, P. Datta, and S. Oak, “Enhancement of p-polarized output power in long pulse single rod Nd:YAG laser using a tilted 90â—¦ quartz rotator,” Opt. Commun., 330, (2014), 61–70.
14. S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Mondal, S. P. Singh, A. Date, K. Hussain, and P. K. Datta, “Dual colour cw modelocking through soft aperture based on second order cascaded nonlinearity,” Optics Express, 21, (2013), 454–462.
15. S. Mondal, S. Singh, K. Hussain, A. Choubey, B. Upadhyay, and P. Datta, “Efficient depolarization-loss compensation of solid-state lasers using only a Glan-Taylor Polarizer,” Opt. Laser Technol. 45, (2013), 154–159.
16. S. Mondal, S. P. Singh, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Date, K. Hussain, S. Mukherjee, and P. K. Datta, “A comparative study on dual colour soft aperture cascaded second-order mode-locking with different nonlinear optical crystals,” Pramana 82, (2014), 313–319.
17. S. P. Singh, S. Mondal, K. Hussain, and P. K. Datta, “Development of optical parametric oscillator tunable in the range 970-1460 nm,” Def. Sci. J. 61, (2011), 377–382.
International Conferences:
1. Govind Kumar Pandey, T. Rama Rao, Shyamal Mondal, "Design and Analysis of Graphene-based Octagonal Short-angular Circular Patch MIMO Antenna for Terahertz Communications", In 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), Karnataka, India. June 24-26, 2022.
2. Pallavi Mahankali, Susila M, Shyamal Mondal, T. Rama Rao, “Design and Performance Analysis of Dielectric Stripe based Terahertz Waveguide”, In 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology, (ICCICT), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2021.
3. E. Nisha Flora Boby, Vaisshale Rathinasamy, T. Rama Rao, and Shyamal Mondal*. “Parametric Analysis of Inter-combed Photoconductive Antenna for Terahertz Communication.” In 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Communication, Information and Computing Technology, (ICCICT) pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2021.
4. Mondal, Shyamal*, Vaisshale Rathinasamy, Shriya Kapoor, Shouvik Mukherjee, and T. Rama Rao. "Interdigitated Photoconductive Antenna Design and Analysis for Terahertz Wireless Applications." In 2020 IEEE 3rd 5G World Forum (5GWF), pp. 484-487. IEEE, 2020.
5. Rathinasamy, Vaisshale, Shriya Kapoor, Akhil Rout, T. Rama Rao, and Shyamal Mondal*. "Interdigitated-Slot Photoconductive Antenna for Terahertz Applications." In 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation (InCAP), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2019.
6. Honzátko, Pavel, Yauhen Baravets, Shyamal Mondal, Pavel Peterka, and Filip Todorov. "Coherent sources for mid-infrared laser spectroscopy." In 20th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, vol. 10142, p. 1014202. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.
7. Das, Amit C., S. Bhattacharya, K. C. Mandal, S. Mondal, M. Jewariya, T. Ozaki, S. N. B. Bhaktha, and P. K. Datta. "Dielectric response of pure and doped-GaSe crystals studied by an indigenously developed broadband THz-TDS system." In Nonlinear Optics and its Applications IV, vol. 9894, p. 98941E. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.
8. Bhattacharya, S., R. Maiti, S. Saha, A. C. Das, S. Mondal, S. K. Ray, S. B. N. Bhaktha, and P. K. Datta. "Infrared reduction, an efficient method to control the non-linear optical property of graphene oxide in the femtosecond regime." In Nanophotonics VI, vol. 9884, p. 98842L. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2016.
9. Mondal, Shyamal, Shouvik Mukherjee, Satya Pratap Singh, and Prasanta Kumar Datta. "Realization of Inverse Saturable Absorption by Cascaded Second-Order Process for Stable Modelocking." In Laser Science, pp. LTh4D-7. Optical Society of America, 2015.
10. Mondal, Shyamal, Satya Pratap Singh, Shouvik Mukherjee, Sourabh Mukhopadhyay, and Prasanta Kumar Datta. "Intracavity cascaded second-order interaction in BBO for generation of efficient, widely tunable coherent radiation." In Advanced Solid-State Lasers, pp. AM5A-46. Optical Society of America, 2014.
11. Hussain, Kamal, Satyapratap Singh, Shyamal Mondal, Lokanath Mishra, and Prasanta Kumar Datta. "Wavelength Conversion Using Semiconductor Optical Amplifier and Bandpass Filter Combination." In International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, pp. T3A-59. Optical Society of America, 2014.
12. Singh, S. P., S. Mondal, S. Mukherjee, A. Date, S. Mukhopadhyay, and P. K. Datta. "Multi-colour OPO based on second order cascaded nonlinear interaction." In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, p. WPB-12. Optical Society of America, 2013.
13. Singh, S. P., S. Mondal, A. Date, S. Mukhopadhyay, and P. K. Datta. "Dual color cw mode-locking through soft-aperture and second order cascaded nonlinearity." In International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, pp. W3C-2. Optical Society of America, 2012.
14. S. Mondal, S. P. Singh, S. Mukherjee, A. Date, P. K. Datta, and S. Mukhopadhyay. "Investigation on the stability of cascaded second-order mode-locking." In Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics (WRAP), pp. 1-2. IEEE, 2013.
15. S. Mondal, S. Datta, S. Dey, S. Bera, S. P. Singh, and P. K. Datta. "Efficient compensation of thermal birefringence of a flash-lamp pumped Nd: YAG laser by a simple but novel method." In Solid State Lasers XX: Technology and Devices, vol. 7912, p. 79122F. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2011.
Book Chapters:
1. Mondal, Shyamal*, Edwin, Nisha, Rathinasamy, Vaisshale. "Interdigitated Photoconductive Antenna for Efficient Terahertz Generation and Detection" In Terahertz Technology, edited by Borwen You, Ja-Yu Lu. London: IntechOpen, 2022. 10.5772/intechopen.102379.
2. Harlan L, Sachin Kumar, Shyamal Mondal*, “Metamaterial-based Terahertz Filters” In METAMATERIALS: ADVANCES IN RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS, edited by Bhargav Appasani, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. June, 2022 (Accepted).
3. Shyamal Mondal, E. Nisha Flora Boby, and Vaisshale Rathinasamy “Role of Terahertz Photoconductive Antenna in Future Healthcare Informatics,” accepted for publication as a book chapter in ''Advances of 5G Wireless Communication System in Healthcare Informatics'', CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, 2021.